West Pennant Hills
- Style: Lap Pool and Feature Spa
- Size: 15m
- Interior: Pebble
- Coping: Reconstituted stone
- Additional Features:
- Raised feature pond
- Weir ponds
- Solar heating
West Pennant Hills Lap Pool and Feature Spa
This fabulous 15m lap pool, feature pond and terraced water cascades, was designed and constructed as an integral part of the complete garden area. The stepped affect of the of the raised feature pond, which cascades over two smaller weir ponds, down to the pool level, was designed taking account of the slope of the property. Feature stepping stone walkways were created across the two lower pond areas.
The top feature pond has been designed to create a spa area, as well as the feature pond. The pool interior is finished in a black quartzon interior.
The pool surrounds are finished in reconstituted stone, which is underlined with a glass mosaic tile. The pool is filtered using a sand filter, and is solar heated.